1. GOexpress::AlvMac
    Sample data from a RNAseq experiment.
  2. GOexpress::AlvMac_GOgenes
    Example of custom mapping between gene ontology identifiers and gene features.
  3. GOexpress::AlvMac_allGO
    Example of custom gene ontology annotations.
  4. GOexpress::AlvMac_allgenes
    Example of custom gene feature annotations.
  5. GOexpress::AlvMac_results
    Sample output from the 'GO_analyse()' function on an RNAseq experiment.
  6. GOexpress::AlvMac_results.pVal
    Sample output from the 'pValue_GO()' function on an RNAseq experiment.
  7. GOexpress::microarray2dataset
    Table mapping probeset identifier prefixes to datasets in the Ensembl BioMart.
  8. GOexpress::prefix2dataset
    Table mapping Ensembl gene identifier prefixes to BioMart datasets.